Smudging Your Classroom with White Sage and Palo Santo


So, have you ever considered saging or smudging your classroom? If not, you might want to give it a try. A lot of energy comes through our classroom doors every day. Over the last few years, we started the practice of saging our classrooms at the beginning of the school year and at the beginning of the new calendar year.

Not only does saging purify the air, saging is a cleansing ritual to rid any space of lingering energy, good or bad. Here are some links to great articles explaining more about the practice and ways to sage your space.

As for us, we like to smudge our classrooms with sage and palo santo sticks. We also write down our intentions and hopes for the school year in our plan books. It is a wonderful ritual for starting our school years now, and we have noticed a profound shift in the energy that walks through our doors.

We like to buy our sage and palo santo sticks from Whole Foods and Etsy. We also sage our homes from time to time. We couldn’t recommend the ritual of smudging enough!