The Best and Worst Things About Teaching Middle School Post-Pandemic

Ah, middle school. The land of awkwardness, hormones, the place where grown adults get to relive their adolescence every day. As teachers, we've all had to adapt to the new normal that is teaching post pandemic and teaching middle schoolers during this time. (I mean can we really say we are post pandemic when COVID is still very much alive and well in our communities? But, I digress ) So, let's dive into the best and worst things about teaching middle school post-pandemic, shall we? 

The Best:

  1. Technology Savvy: These kids are digital natives. They can navigate Zoom, Google Classroom, and all the latest apps like nobody's business. Need help setting up your Zoom breakout rooms? Just ask your middle schoolers!

  2. Humor: Let's face it, middle schoolers can be hilarious. Their quirky sense of humor and endless one-liners can lighten even the darkest of moods. Plus, they're not afraid to laugh at themselves (or you), which can make for some memorable moments.

  3. Meme Savvy: If you need to know the latest memes, just ask your middle schoolers. They're always one step ahead of the game, and they can teach you a thing or two about what's trending on the internet.

  4. Innovation: Middle schoolers are constantly pushing the envelope when it comes to creativity and innovation. They're not afraid to try new things, and their ideas can be downright impressive. Who knows, they might just be the next big thing in tech.

  5. Snarky Humor: Let's be real, middle schoolers have a sarcastic comeback for everything. Their quick wit and dry humor can keep you on your toes, and you might just find yourself cracking up at their quips.

The Worst:

  1. Tech Dependency: With the rise of technology, it's no surprise that middle schoolers are attached to their screens. Getting them to look up from their devices can be a challenge, and it can be tough to get them to engage with the world around them.

  2. Hormones: Middle school is a time of raging hormones, and it can be tough to manage the mood swings and drama that come with it. One minute they're your best friend, and the next they're giving you the silent treatment. It's enough to make anyone feel like they're back in middle school themselves.

  3. Over-Scheduling: Between sports practices, music lessons, and after-school clubs, it can be difficult to find time to actually teach middle schoolers. And let's not forget about the hours they spend on their phones and social media. It can be a challenge to get them to focus on anything for more than five minutes.

In conclusion, teaching middle school in 2023 has its own set of unique challenges and rewards. From their meme savvy skills to their quick wit, middle schoolers are a force to be reckoned with. But managing their tech dependency, hormones, and over-scheduling can be tough. So, let's raise a glass to all the middle school teachers out there, and hope that we survive this wild ride together.