Style Uniform Ideas for Educators

There has been research done on the fact that teachers make more decisions per day than a brain surgeon does during the same day. Wish our pay were reflected the same way, but that is another blog post. :(

There is a rough estimate that teachers make 130 decisions per hour while teaching during the school day. No wonder I don’t ever want to make more decisions when I come home. I just want others around me to make a choice for me.

To help with the burden of constantly making choices, I have some up with my own daily style uniform to help me choose an outfit without much effort. Here is what works for me:

Monday: A dress

Tuesday: A skirt with a top or sweater

Wednesday: Slacks with a top or sweater

Thursday: Black or white jeans with a top or sweater

Friday: Blue jeans with a top or sweater

This style uniform works great for me during the week and helps me to create cute outfits without much thought or effort. I hope this uniform formula works for you, too!